Thursday, 3 May 2012


Works cited Books & Magazine Anderson, Craig Alan, Douglas A. Gentile, and Katherine E. Buckley. Violent video game effects on children and adolescents: theory, research, and public policy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. Print. Baudrillard, Jean. Simulacra and simulation. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1994. Print. Burns, Kate. Censorship. San Diego, Calif.: Green haven Press, 2004. Print. Chomsky, Noam, and Michel Foucault. The Chomsky-Foucault debate: on human nature. New York: New Press :, 2006. Print. Clark, V. (2007). Complete A-Z media & film studies handbook(1. publ. ed.). London: Hodder Arnold. Grossman, Dave, and Gloria DeGaetano. Stop teaching our kids to kill: a call to action against TV, movie & video game violence. New York: Crown Publishers, 1999. Print. Gunter, Barrie. The effects of video games on children: the myth unmasked. Sheffield, England: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998. Print. Gupta, Om. Media: society and culture. New Delhi: Isha Books, 2006. Print. Hendry, Steph. "DANGEROUS GAMES." Media Magazine Apr. 2012: 16. Print. Krinsky, Charles. Moral panics over contemporary children and youth. Farnham, England: Ashgate, 2008. Print. McLuhan, Marshall. Understanding media; the extensions of man,. [1st ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1964. Print. Internet "Categories Of Violence." English and Media Centre. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. . "Children and Video Games: Playing with Violence | American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry." American Academy Of Children And Adolescent Psychiatry . N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2012. <. >. "Children and Violent Video Games." Dr Phil years. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2012. . "Effects of Video Games on Aggression." Great Ideas in Personality--Theory and Research. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2012. . "Metrics 2.0: Video Game Addiction: 81% of American Youth Play; 8.5% are Addicted." Metrics 2.0 : Data-Driven Business & Market Intelligence. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2012. . " Modern Warfare 3 smashes records: $775m in sales in five days | Technology |" Latest US news, world news, sport and comment from the Guardian | | The Guardian. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Mar. 2012. . movies)., paranoid-politics. "Introduction to Genre Theory." Aberystwyth University - Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Mar. 2012. . "The Good Things About Video Games." Media Awareness Network | Réseau éducation médias. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2012. . " Video games: Grand Theft Auto sales halted after Thai taxi killing | Technology | The Guardian ." Latest US news, world news, sport and comment from the Guardian | | The Guardian . N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2012. . >. "Video Game Addiction." WebMD - Better information. Better health.. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2012. ."Violent Video Games Affecting our Children | Pediatric Nursing | Find Articles." . "Violent Video Games Increase Aggression Long after the Game Is turned Off." Science Daily. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2012. . " Young Adult Health - Health Topics - Video games." CYH Home - Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2012. . Games Grand Theft Auto (Rockstar Games, 2008, USA) Pac Man (Namco, 1980, Japan) Space Invaders (Taito Corporation, 1978, Japan) Call Of Duty (Infinity Ward, 2003, USA) Works consulted Books & Magazine Anderson, Craig Alan, Douglas A. Gentile, and Katherine E. Buckley. Violent video game effects on children and adolescents: theory, research, and public policy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. DeMaria, Rusel. Reset: changing the way we look at video games. San Francisco, Calif.: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2007. Print. Gentile, Douglas A.. Media violence and children: a complete guide for parents and professionals. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2003. Print. Internet "GTA Influence Puts Man in Jail." Subzero Blue. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. . "Is Media Violence a Problem? Essays and Articles at eNotes." eNotes - Literature Study Guides, Lesson Plans, and More.. N.p., n.d. 2012. . Elkind, David, and Ph.D.. "Playing violent video games: Good or bad? | Psychology Today." Psychology Today: Health, Help, Happiness + Find a Therapist. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Feb. 2012. . Lobo, Phillip A.. "Video Game Review - Grand Theft Auto IV | Open Letters Monthly - an Arts and Literature Review." Open Letters Monthly - an Arts and Literature Review. N.p., n.d. Web. . "Pros and Cons of Video Games." Want to know it | Answers to life's questions | Everything Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. . Moving image text " Grand Theft Auto IV - Move Up, Ladies - YouTube ." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. . N.p., n.d. Web. " GTA IV Mission #62 - Museum Piece - YouTube ." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. . N.p., n.d. Web.

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