Thursday, 3 May 2012
Works cited
Books & Magazine
Anderson, Craig Alan, Douglas A. Gentile, and Katherine E. Buckley. Violent video game effects on children and adolescents: theory, research, and public policy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. Print.
Baudrillard, Jean. Simulacra and simulation. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1994. Print.
Burns, Kate. Censorship. San Diego, Calif.: Green haven Press, 2004. Print.
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Grossman, Dave, and Gloria DeGaetano. Stop teaching our kids to kill: a call to action against TV, movie & video game violence. New York: Crown Publishers, 1999. Print.
Gunter, Barrie. The effects of video games on children: the myth unmasked. Sheffield, England: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998. Print.
Gupta, Om. Media: society and culture. New Delhi: Isha Books, 2006. Print.
Hendry, Steph. "DANGEROUS GAMES." Media Magazine Apr. 2012: 16. Print.
Krinsky, Charles. Moral panics over contemporary children and youth. Farnham, England: Ashgate, 2008. Print.
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"Categories Of Violence." English and Media Centre. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. .
"Children and Video Games: Playing with Violence | American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry." American Academy Of Children And Adolescent Psychiatry . N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2012. <. >.
"Children and Violent Video Games." Dr Phil years. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2012. .
"Effects of Video Games on Aggression." Great Ideas in Personality--Theory and Research. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2012. .
"Metrics 2.0: Video Game Addiction: 81% of American Youth Play; 8.5% are Addicted." Metrics 2.0 : Data-Driven Business & Market Intelligence. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2012. .
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movies)., paranoid-politics. "Introduction to Genre Theory." Aberystwyth University - Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Mar. 2012. .
"The Good Things About Video Games." Media Awareness Network | Réseau éducation médias. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2012. .
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"Video Game Addiction." WebMD - Better information. Better health.. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2012. ."Violent Video Games Affecting our Children | Pediatric Nursing | Find Articles." .
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" Young Adult Health - Health Topics - Video games." CYH Home - Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2012. .
Grand Theft Auto (Rockstar Games, 2008, USA)
Pac Man (Namco, 1980, Japan)
Space Invaders (Taito Corporation, 1978, Japan)
Call Of Duty (Infinity Ward, 2003, USA)
Works consulted
Books & Magazine
Anderson, Craig Alan, Douglas A. Gentile, and Katherine E. Buckley. Violent video game effects on children and adolescents: theory, research, and public policy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.
DeMaria, Rusel. Reset: changing the way we look at video games. San Francisco, Calif.: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2007. Print.
Gentile, Douglas A.. Media violence and children: a complete guide for parents and professionals. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2003. Print.
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Moving image text
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Critical Investigation-Final
“Many narratives have depended on violence and it is clear that violence in fictions gives pleasure to the audience,”
How and why are violent video games such as “Grand Theft Auto” so popular amongst younger audiences and should we be concerned?
Video games have become another popular form of media and promote its values and ideas on its audience. It is evident the gaming industry has become extremely successful in which people have found themselves immersed within gaming: “In the past 30 years, video games have had a major impact on how people spend their leisure time,” therefore implying that people are continuing to engage with particular games and is becoming more impactful. Video games have developed significantly and have become prevalent especially amongst younger audiences. One of the most favoured titles “Grand Theft Auto”: “The title sold a record 609,000 copies on its first day of release, generating an estimated £24.4m ($48.5m),” exhibiting its success and suggests there is high demand for the game. Similarly “Call Of Duty modern warfare 3” another violent title posted figures of: “earning $400m in its first 24 hours on sale in the US and UK,” consequently suggesting the violence as a: “genres are instances of repetition and difference,” therefore this infers the category is widespread. Despite that people had less money to spend due to the economy it is intriguing that money was no obstruction for the high sales made from “Call Of Duty” game, therefore suggesting its popularity. It is evident these games were produced by institutions in the USA as the setting for “Grand Theft Auto” is in America and therefore: "Western nations dominate the media around the world which in return effects on third world culture by imposing on them western views and therefore destroying narrative culture," This implies that the USA ideologies are being promoted in other countries: "The US is unusual among the industrial democracies where the rigidity of the system of ideological control and indoctrination is exercised through the mass media," this reiterates the power of the US and how they are able to promote their opinions on to others. This is concerning as the US are creating violent video games such as “Call Of Duty” which has a huge acceptance and inspire audiences to believe that violence is suitable. Therefore convincing the audience by allowing the USA to exercise power through cultural messages.
It can be argued that violent video games reflect the zeitgeist as there is a lack or respect for authority and laws, and this can be reflected in society for example the London riots therefore people imitate behaviours they see. In “Grand Theft Auto” you are not following the law therefore this creates ideas in audiences who are vulnerable. The games impact audiences at younger ages: “Violent video games are popular with male and female children, adolescents, and adults. They have been successfully marketed to youth and are easily obtained regardless of their age,” This suggests that irrespective of the age rating set by the Pan European Game Information (PEGI) younger audiences play the game despite the warnings and the explicit violence, which may affect them. Therefore this could perhaps cause concern due to the fact all ages are able to understand and become attracted to the content despite the level of violence. Furthermore it is interesting to some extent why younger people would want to play games of this sort.
A moral panic is: “valuable as a model for explaining punitive or disciplinary adult reactions,” the intensity of feeling expressed in a population about an issue that appears to threaten the social order has also existed throughout the years regarding the extreme violence in video games. In 1999, parents were more concerned than ever as: “the nation was shocked by a school shooting at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado/There had already been some publicity over the amount of violence in video games/ The media emphasized that the Columbine shooters played these games, and society luminaries drew connections between the nature of the shootings and the games,” this infers that video game create a copycat crime which may have been inspired by video game violence. This led to the issue of violence in video games being expressed as society became horrified by the disastrous consequences of the influences of video games, inevitably creating moral panic.
During the 1970’s, video games were first made available; “Pacman” was very popular whereby you would consume pills and ghosts in order to collect points. Within modern times this would not be considered violent, however in the past this was observed as the first game to contain destruction of some sort. Through improvements in technology, the gaming industry has been able to take advantage of resources, which previously were unavailable resulting in simple ideas such as shapes etc. These advancements have led Sony and Nintendo to create increased realism of violence and gore: “It has been estimated that up to 89% of games contain some violent content,” Furthermore: “violence is one of the most popular forms of entertainment,” therefore it would be difficult for game companies to ignore this as they are designed in order to fulfil popularity. Games are also becoming increasingly violent as the thirst for blood and gore: “Satisfies some basic human needs. The adrenalin rush, the satisfactions of imagination, fantasy, and vicarious adventure, probably explain why millions of nonviolent people enjoy violent entertainment,” Audiences will continue to desire more and for it to be diverse and this is why game industry continues to make games more violent. However, not only are audiences demanding more violent video games, another theory known as Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs, suggests the gaming world allows individuals to fulfil self actualisation and self esteem needs. These can only be achieved by a certain action or when a goal is met. This can be applied to “Grand Theft Auto” as when the gamer completes a mission they feel satisfied.
Following the rise in violence depicted through video games such as “Grand Theft Auto”, concerns have raised regarding the psychological impact of the game, which could result in individuals more prone and influenced to display violent thoughts and aggressive behaviours: “Studies of children exposed to violence have shown that they can become: “immune” or numb to the horror of violence, imitate the violence they see, and show more aggressive behavior with greater exposure to violence,” This further relates to the increasing violence as the “exposure” causes game players to react to the violence in a different way than they should. Also audiences may mimic the actions in reference to the Copycat theory, furthermore games condone violence and introduce the idea that violence is acceptable. This could be seen within: “A teenager allegedly killed a taxi driver in a bloody frenzy, re-enacting scenes from the blockbuster video game. Police who caught the 18-year-old at the scene said he confessed to having planned the attack to find out if robbery was as easy as depicted in the violent game,” This conveys the influences of violent video games, especially GTA which led to this particular crime, which highlights an imitation, causing concern as members of the public have been killed due to the impacts of the game.
However, to some extent video games could be beneficial as they enable young users to gain a variety of skills that could perhaps be implemented within the real world, these include the ability to: “Improve hand-eye co-ordination and fine motor skills,” Through GTA these skills are enhanced within the driving and controlling aspect and would be useful in the long term. In addition: “Video games can stimulate learning of facts and skills such as strategic thinking, creativity, cooperation and innovative thinking, which are important skills in the information society,” This reiterates the diverse skills encouraged through the evolving technology and conceivably contradicts the concern towards violent video games.
Nevertheless, it could be argued violent video games may lead to excessive playing, it was observed: “The average child 8 to 12 plays 13 hours of video games per week, while teens age 13 to 18 year play 14 hours of video games per week,” From this, concern would be highlighted as children and young adults are becoming increasingly consumed by video games, which could inevitably lead to addictions of some sort. Also, as the children become older, the weekly hours begin to increase which could be associated to the fact they begin to understand the violent aspects to greater detail. In addition the type of narrative the game follows can be an influencing factor for the audience, games predominantly follow a linear narrative which allows the audience to feel involved within the story as to an extent they have the ability to construct what happens in the game. Therefore creating the impression that audiences are directors. Additionally games such as “Grand Theft Auto” adopts Todorov’s theory of equilibrium as a Russian character is excited to see his cousin. Then the disequilibrium would be when Roman gets into trouble and is helped by cousin Niko who inevitably becomes a ‘wanted’ person. Finally, the new equilibrium is the violence, which is resolved in the end. This theory enables the gamer to relate to the story, as it is a continuous structure. In addition video games represent the theory of prop which states there is hero, villains, princess, helper and many games have implemented this and there are many of these within games. This intrigues the gamer in to completing the game. Resulting in Severe cases of addiction that have caused: “Video game addicts tend to become isolated, dropping out of their social networks and giving up other hobbies,” This reinforces the detrimental aspects of the violence within games like GTA and their hooking story line. This has a serious impact on the social lives of individuals as it consumes their lives and withdraws them from their normal interests. Moreover, further worry intensifies as: “Playing a violent video game can increase aggression, and when a player keeps thinking about the game, the potential for aggression can last for as long as 24 hours, according to a study in the current Social Psychological and Personality Science,” Through this it is interpreted the dangers of addiction in which the mind becomes preoccupied and fixated on the game allowing them to be defenseless to the violence increasing their possible aggression, therefore this is extremely harmful as GTA and other games can affect the psychological state of mind.
Games have had the impact whereby the: “Gamers also report that they play games to escape things like family or personal problems,” Therefore the game allows the players a sense of identification and escapism relating to the theory of Blumler and Katz. In which the media theory is uses and gratifications therefore highlighting the theory within the context of the game. This is perhaps why video games are so popular as it: “may gratify different needs for different individuals,” as it permits young people to escape the real world and become another character, forgetting about their lives. Furthermore people may be able to identify with the main character Niko Bellic in “Grand Theft Auto” who is portrayed as a gangster therefore younger audiences inspire to be cool and will therefore play the game. Furthermore due to its popularity people would allow the game to be involved in discussions. In addition people have used web 2.0 to their advantage by posting video of their killing in games such as “call Of Duty” which promotes greater awareness as “The medium is the message” therefore the video is the meaning which also promotes discussions. However this has a negative consequence, as: “There is a mechanism, usually called ‘identification’, which makes viewers of ‘violence’ vulnerable to it – such that it thereby becomes a ‘message’ by which they are invaded and persuaded,” This therefore reinforces the idea that video games are harmful to the human mind and this is then controlling their ideas regarding violence. Therefore implying a moral panic as if video games can impact people, this connection would then be made with society as a whole.
To add, we should be concerned as the violence in GTA could be defined as threatening and brutal, the large amount of exposure causes reactions within users such that: “Kids become attracted to it and more numb to its consequence,” The regularity of playing GTA would cause game players to become desensitized to the horror of actual violence as it is consistently referred to within the game, therefore doesn’t seem extraordinary or shocking. In addition: “stunting social development and creating anti social desires” which is creating a negative influences on their audiences, furthermore, this desensitization could cause confusion of virtual reality, as players may be unable to distinguish between fantasy and reality, as there are aspects of normality within the game. Studies highlight: “the boundary between fantasy and reality violence, which is a clear line for most adults, can become very blurred for vulnerable children. Kids steeped in the culture of violence do become desensitized to it and more capable of committing it themselves,” From this it could be construed, violence depicted through video games have a worse effect on younger players as it has the ability to alter their thoughts. Thus allowing them to be desensitized to the violence and possibly more able to proceed within the violent behaviour as it is considered normal.
Some may argue that games are played in order to release frustration, therefore are used as a means of stress relief. This would be considered suitable as the video games act as a substitute to really displaying anger: “People who are likely to commit violent crimes might be able to get their violence "fix" by playing video games instead of committing crimes,” The positive aspects of video games are identified in this as the new technology has the ability to reduce the violent behaviours conducted by young adults, which could decrease crime to some extent. The use of “fix” connotes a reference to perhaps addiction, which signifies it is difficult to inhibit the perseverance of violent manner, yet the video game has the ability to control this, reducing the effects on others or society.
In comparison: “Video games had a corrupting influence on the youth of the day. Video games were accused of glorifying violence and encouraging anti-social behaviour,” There is considerably a rising concern towards the negative ideologies and values being taught through the ever-growing video game industry. This could refer to the hypodermic syringe theory, which indicates the power of the media, being able to influences the views. In this case of game players through the use of violence in regards to GTA, the negative ideologies presented would be the way in which dangerous actions are rewarded, such as obtaining money for committing crimes or participating in violent tasks involving murder, drugs and other illegal conduct. To add: "If you shoot somebody in one of these games, you don't go to jail, you don't get penalized in some way — you get extra points!"… But they do use more aggressive language, they do use more aggressive images,” The use of “shoot” highlight the extent to which violence is observed and is not punished, the fact “extra points” are given may entice game players to begin to associate violence with pleasure, issuing concern. Additionally: “Women are often portrayed as weaker characters that are helpless or sexually provocative,” This can be implied within GTA as women are depicted as undignified through their jobs and clothing, which connote their degrading behavior. This would be damaging to game players minds as their views and opinions of women may begin to alter as they unhelpfully objectify women through games.
Overall, it could be concluded there is an increasing concern regarding violent video games amongst younger audiences. Gamers are in favour of playing more violent and lifelike video games as the gamer is absorbed in realistic conditions and are further rewarded for their behaviours. This suggests that gamers become used to the concept of killing people and is perpetuated which enforces these values. As a result, it makes people react differently in contrast to how they would react without playing violent video games. Other issues creating worry over this widespread subject would be the way in which the images and ideologies presented within the games are concealed from the parents, as they are less likely to actively participate in the video game. Therefore children are able to play games, which are inappropriate for them, which conclude of sex and violence. Moreover, the media overstress how violent video games are harmful as they create aggression, which then worries parents. Another reason why violent video games are popular such as “Grand Theft Auto” is its ability to create another constructed world: “the generations by models of a real without origin or reality,” in addition although gamers enjoy playing games they are unaware of how much the game reflects reality, which could be an issue as it adjusts the players views. In my opinion, it provides: “fantasy escapism... alternative social/political structure” this highlights how video games create an alternative representation which contradicts the stereotype of younger people being socially interactive, instead it leads to game players becoming isolated and perhaps lacking confidence.
However, it could be argued to some extent the concerns are misleading due to audience being unaware of the benefits associated with the games. These include, better hand eye co ordination and other skills gained such as teamwork, which is important to acquire as it can be applied in real life situations. Therefore by playing video games young audiences are enhancing valuable qualities, which would be beneficial in the long run. Also, it allows players to think strategically which are important skills within society. Video games can be substitute as: “Violent media images serve a valuable function by providing audience with a vicarious outlet for their violent impulses,” this conveys children do not need attempt violent acts in real life where it can be harmful yet they can experience it in a virtual safe environment.
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